Why We Should Play

Why We Should Play


“Play helps build a warm relationship between family members and to create a bank of positive feelings and experiences that can be drawn upon in times of conflict. Through play, you can help your children solve problems, test out ideas, and explore their imaginations.” –Carolyn Webster-Stratton

Good Morning!

I know, I know, life is busy.  There is work, and school, homework to oversee, lunches to make, clothes to wash, lots of after school activities, not to mention all of the little things it takes to keep a house running smoothly. Busy, busy busy,

Unfortunately, sometimes when we are doing all the things we think we need to do life passes us by.  Today’s quote is about taking time out to play.  It reminds us that we need the fun and playful times to help us build up our “bank account” so we have something to draw upon when the chaos takes over.

Play can be just about anything fun you do with your children.  Maybe you have a board game night at your house.  Maybe you have dance parties.  Maybe you build lego towers.  Maybe you just act silly and make everyone laugh.  Play is having fun, and in having fun you are teaching your children many lessons and maybe the most important lesson they learn is that you love them enough to take the time to play with them.

So…in your busy, busy world, stop for a few moments and play with your children.  They will throughly enjoy it, you will be building and strengthening your relationship with them, you will be adding to your “bank account” and the memories you make will be priceless.  Oh, and you just might find yourself having a lot of fun!

Have some fun today!



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