9/11 – Live Their Legacy

9/11 – Live Their Legacy


Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.”

― Rachel Ann Nunes

Today, 9/11, is a difficult day for all of us.  It brings back horrific memories even for those of us that did not lose a loved one.  It also reminds us of how fleeting and fragile life can be.

So what’s up with the happy quote today?  At my dad’s funeral service the priest challenged all of us to go out into the world and live my dad’s legacy.  I picked this quote today because I believe one way to honor those fallen heroes of 9/11 is to go out and live our life to the fullest.  To live the life that we have been given, to be happy, to enjoy our families, to live in a way that those that were tragically taken would be proud of.

We all have a certain amount of time here on earth and none of know when that time will end.  We can choose to live our life afraid, stressed, angry or a hundred other negative ways.  Or we can choose to love, and laugh, and enjoy everything about the world around us while we are here. We can honor those who have given their by life spending time with our children, enjoying the life we were given, and taking the time to laugh and have fun.

So…  Remember those people who left us thirteen years ago and go out and honor them by enjoying your life and living their legacy.

Have some fun today!



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