Monthly Archives: September 2014

Why We Should Play

Why We Should Play

  “Play helps build a warm relationship between family members and to create a bank of positive feelings and experiences that can be drawn upon in times of conflict. Through play, you can help your children solve problems, test out ideas, and explore their imaginations.” –Carolyn Webster-Stratton Good Morning! I know, I know, life is…

Your Family

Your Family

  I think with motherhood and child-rearing in general, everyone’s going to tell you how to do it and why. I’ve always said to other mothers and women when they’ve asked me, that you have to find your own way and find out what works for your family, at all costs. Brooke Burke Good Morning!…

“Love, limits and let them be.”

“Love, limits and let them be.”

  “The rules for parent are three…love, limit and let them be.” Elaine M. Ward Good Morning! Could it really be this easy?  Would just these three little “rules” really work? Let’s look at each one. Love- loving your children means loving them no matter what.  It means loving them when they are screaming at…